Portsmouth Office One New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 125 Portsmouth, NH 03801 USA Tel. (603) 766-1910 Fax. (603) 766-1901 mailbox@biz-patlaw.com |
Mesmer & Deleault, PLLC |
Manchester Office
(Main Office) 41 Brook Street Manchester, NH 03104 USA Tel. (603) 668-1971 Fax. (603) 622-1445 mailbox@biz-patlaw.com |
A sole proprietorship is a business entity in which all
of the assets of the business are owned by one person, called the “proprietor.” If your business has a name, that name would be “d/b/a” (doing business as) after your name. Because a sole proprietorship is not a separate legal entity, the proprietor is personally responsible for all business debts and legal claims against the business. YES. One method of protection is to buy sufficient liability insurance coverage for your business. This will help protect your personal assets from claims, provided that the claims do not exceed the coverage limits of the insurance policy. Another method is to write strong, enforceable contracts -- and be sure to keep your promises. YES. First, all liability insurance policies have per-claim limits such as $1,000,000. The cost of the policy will be affected by the amount of coverage you select as well as the type of products or services you provide. If claims are made against your business that are in excess of the insurance coverage, you, as the sole proprietor, will then be liable for the difference. Second, insurance covers only tort claims for negligence -- accidents, not intentional acts. Insurance usually will not cover a loss for a claim based on breach of contract or arising from an employee or landlord dispute. All income from the business is directly taxable to the proprietor. |
What is a sole
proprietorship? |
How much liability exposure do I have as a sole proprietor? |
Can I protect myself from this liability exposure? |
Are there drawbacks to relying solely on liability insurance coverage? |
How is the sole proprietorship
taxed? |
Prevention is better than
cure. |
TM |
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reserved. |
Business, Patent, Trademark, Estate Planning, and
Litigation Attorneys |